For all you Samsung Epic 4G users, we have good news for you. Sprint just released a maintenance update with instructions on how to install it. Notable fixes are wifi standby, drain correction, increased 3G upload speeds, and more. Check out the link here for full information. And let us know how your Epic is working with it.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Verizon's New Trade-In Deal

Verizon has launched a brand new program for those that want to either jump ship from there current wireless provider or get a brand new phone from Big Red. If you go to, you will have to get your phone appraised based off of the questions they provide (does your phone still make calls, damage to the phone, buttons still working, etc.)
Once you finish a series of questions, your phone is appraised, giving you the total worth of your phone.

The money is used towards your next phone purchase or you can get a VZW gift card for the worth of the phone. Sounds pretty cool huh? Thanks for Droid-life and Boygeniusreport for breaking the story. Options are always a great thing to have.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.0
Samsung Vibrant gps fix? Don't do it says T-Mobile

So if your a Samsung Vibrant user like I am, then your GPS has been failing you for some time. And your upcoming trip isn't so patient with T-Mobile. So what do any good techie do? You find your own solution. Well that is what we have using a app called Kies. It's a syncing update app for the Galaxy S series that is said to fix the problem.
Well T-Mobile says differently telling people not to install this update with Kies. The reason wasn't cited, only that there are some know problems that occur. With AT&T giving the captivate update greatness, T-Mobile users wonder when will they step up to the plate and make us happy? And that's all we ask for, come on. So what do you think? Willing to risk possible issues with your wonderful Vibrant or continue waiting in line? Leave your comments;-)
Source: Androinica
R2-D2 fans, Your Favorite Little Droid is now Your Favorite Phone.

Hey Star Wars fans! Do you want to get your hands on the the exclusive R2-D2 Droid 2 phone? Well go to the and make your purchase.
Its priced at $249.99 with a $100 rebate. And if your rolling in money like Scrooge McDuck then it run you about $500. Go to the site and check it out and remember its a SPECIAL EDITION DROID 2, 1GHZ AND A 8G PRE-INSTALLED SD get them while supplies last....
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.0
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
How to Pick a Android Phone
Need help buying a awesome Android Handset? The guys over @Gizmodo have made this pretty nifty flow chart:
Its pretty dead on in my opinion. What you think?
Why The World Doesn't Need Iphone on Verizon?
While the thought of having the Iphone on Verizon would be kind of cool (in a Mr. Sinister takes over the world kind of way) it seems that there may be no Iphone coming to Verizon after all.
I was kind of shocked when I started hearing news about a CDMA Iphone being made overseas, and it seemed to fit with all of the other rumors and suspicions that have been floating around the last couple of months. A few days ago though, a friend of mine sent me an article that would change my perspective on the idea. Kevin Maney, the man that wrote the article, gave alot of points that made alot of sense as to why the Iphone wouldnt be needed on Verizon.
One reason he gave, was that there would have been no avenue for new and innovative concepts that wouldve been brought to the table if Verizon already had the Iphone on their network. Look at it this way, Iphone was the giant of the mobile world from the beginning. Now if the Iphone was everywhere, new concepts like Google's Android would have been lost to the wind because there would be no need to bring them in if Verizon already had Iphone.
Competition would have also been lacking in the mobile world if Verizon had an Iphone. Because of the success of the Iphone, it forced other company's like Verizon and Sprint to come up with an alternate phone that could go toe to toe with the Iphone. Kevin mentioned in his article that just this past August, "Android grabbed 27% of recent smart phone subscribers, pushing it ahead of Apple's Iphone in the US market shares." These kinds of moves also forced Blackberry and RIM to step up production on their phones in order to not be completely run out of existence. Networking improvements also stir up competition too such as the rise to 4G status with Sprint and Verizon leading the way forcing At&t to play catch up.
Also to benefit the consumer, we have a variety of choices to pick from when selecting a phone. Had the Iphone never had the exclusive tag, everyone would own one and the pace of new features and devices would be slow (like watching a snail cross a three lane highway.) Also, if Verizon had acquired an Iphone after sealing the deal with Google for Android, it would disrupt all the good flow the Android models had given to the company, cutting its growth short. The mobile world would thrive at a better pace without the Iphone being on Verizon, but thats not to say that it cant happen in the future. As of right now it doesnt seem so and thats coming from Verizon's CEO Ivan Seindenburg. Fortune Tech reported the CEO saying, "There is nothing in the works to bring Iphone to Verizon in the forseeable future."
Maybe thats a good thing. Allowing the mobile market to constantly challenge each other allows the consumer to really come out on top. We get the best out of every carrier and company when they compete in this way. Why change a good thing?
I was kind of shocked when I started hearing news about a CDMA Iphone being made overseas, and it seemed to fit with all of the other rumors and suspicions that have been floating around the last couple of months. A few days ago though, a friend of mine sent me an article that would change my perspective on the idea. Kevin Maney, the man that wrote the article, gave alot of points that made alot of sense as to why the Iphone wouldnt be needed on Verizon.
One reason he gave, was that there would have been no avenue for new and innovative concepts that wouldve been brought to the table if Verizon already had the Iphone on their network. Look at it this way, Iphone was the giant of the mobile world from the beginning. Now if the Iphone was everywhere, new concepts like Google's Android would have been lost to the wind because there would be no need to bring them in if Verizon already had Iphone.
Competition would have also been lacking in the mobile world if Verizon had an Iphone. Because of the success of the Iphone, it forced other company's like Verizon and Sprint to come up with an alternate phone that could go toe to toe with the Iphone. Kevin mentioned in his article that just this past August, "Android grabbed 27% of recent smart phone subscribers, pushing it ahead of Apple's Iphone in the US market shares." These kinds of moves also forced Blackberry and RIM to step up production on their phones in order to not be completely run out of existence. Networking improvements also stir up competition too such as the rise to 4G status with Sprint and Verizon leading the way forcing At&t to play catch up.
Also to benefit the consumer, we have a variety of choices to pick from when selecting a phone. Had the Iphone never had the exclusive tag, everyone would own one and the pace of new features and devices would be slow (like watching a snail cross a three lane highway.) Also, if Verizon had acquired an Iphone after sealing the deal with Google for Android, it would disrupt all the good flow the Android models had given to the company, cutting its growth short. The mobile world would thrive at a better pace without the Iphone being on Verizon, but thats not to say that it cant happen in the future. As of right now it doesnt seem so and thats coming from Verizon's CEO Ivan Seindenburg. Fortune Tech reported the CEO saying, "There is nothing in the works to bring Iphone to Verizon in the forseeable future."
Maybe thats a good thing. Allowing the mobile market to constantly challenge each other allows the consumer to really come out on top. We get the best out of every carrier and company when they compete in this way. Why change a good thing?
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.0
webOS Developer Day is coming
webOS Developer Day is coming
to New York City.
Preconference tutorial, November 19
Developer Day, November 20
Come to New York City for two in-depth days of webOS™ training and education. A special preconference tutorial will be held on Friday, November 19, for developers who are new to the webOS platform. On Saturday, HP Personal Systems Group CTO Phil McKinney kicks off Developer Day with a keynote on the future of webOS, followed by technical sessions and panel discussions designed to enhance your webOS skills.
Get the latest on:
- webOS 2.0
- Cross-platform development tools and strategy
- Node.js
- Marketing your apps
And more

They are going to have cool giveaways, an Apps Lab for one-on-one consultation with webOS experts, and a postconference party you won't want to miss.
Save the date—registration begins October 14. For more information, please visit
Photo by:
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Launcher Pro Undergoing Major Overhaul!?!?!?
Yes @fedecarnales has noted on twitter:
He has also posted this on his website:
That he will be doing a full overhaul of the popular laucher pro program. With it being
based off 2.0 and now we have 2.2 on most of the major phones (that count lol j/k)
he's going to do a overhaul. Here's what he says:
Quoted from the site
"An Important Announcement
As you may or may not know, LauncherPro is based on the stock Android 2.0 Launcher. All the base code comes from it, and all of LauncherPro’s features were added on top of it.
While that has worked really well, the problem is that the 2.0 stock Launcher wasn’t coded to have 7 homescreens, or a lot of the features that exist today in LauncherPro. That means that many features in LauncherPro are a bit hacky code-wise. The stock Launcher’s code isn’t very flexible either, so in order to implement some of the features I want to add to LauncherPro, some major changes need to be made to the code.
Instead of keeping on adding stuff on top of the stock Launcher, I’ve decided to do something more radical. A few days ago, I started rewriting LauncherPro from scratch. That is, starting with a totally blank canvas, and building it with LauncherPro’s feature set (and other features in my todo list) in mind.
What does this mean for you?
Well, the final outcome of this decision should be, in a nutshell:
Improved speed
Reduced memory usage, which means fewer force-closes and possibly allow us to have up to 9 homescreens
Increased flexibility. I’m coding everything to make it as flexible as possible, which will allow LauncherPro to better adapt to new device form factors, such as tablets.
Cleaner code that I’ll know inside and out. That means that adding new features can be implemented faster since I’ll know every single line of code in LauncherPro.
Rewriting the app will give me the opportunity to fix the little bugs that haven’t been addressed yet, and to improve parts of the code that could use some improvement.
The current LauncherPro will continue to get updates while I work on the new code, albeit perhaps a bit less frequently. Rewriting the entire app from scratch is a huge undertaking, but it will definitely be worth it in the end.
Hope you are as excited as I am about this new chapter in LauncherPro’s history"
I know im super excited and will be reporting on everything as we get it way to go Federico!
As a side note, right now I’m working on an update for the current LauncherPro, which will bring a new feature for Plus users, some bugfixes, and more. It should be out in the next couple of days.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Top 5 Things I love about Froyo on Motorola's Droid X
So Verizon and Motorola has finally dropped Froyo on us Droid X Users.
I've been playing with it on my Droid X since release and wanted to share a couple things
I notice were great additions with the update.
1) Camera
I love to take pictures of anything with a whomping 8mp camera and 720p recording why not? Well one thing I hated was my fingers not pressing the button all the way down for the camera button.
Froyo 2.2 Update has made me happier with a on screen button as you see above. So now I can press shoot anything anywhere!
2) Gallery
With all the photos I take I was happy to see the Gallery was updated as well. The old Gallery looked a bit Dry. And at first I gave the gallery 2 thumbs down for not being the 3D gallery we see on most Android phones but this new updated one makes up for it. Way to go Moto!
3) Battery Manager
Newest version of the battery manager, as you can see has a big battery lol Thats one change but the thing that stood out the most to me was the profiles. you have 4 Different Modes 3 pre defined and a "custom". I personally use the Nighttime Saver which says "Normal Operation during the day. Battery Saving at night". I have been using that profile as of late and it works great.
4) Wireless Easy Switching
In the release notes it said it improved over the wifi switching to 3G and vice versa. Well at home I usually use my wifi (because I have Verizon FiOS) and I did notice the difference with the update. When Switching from 3G to Wifi it would either not connect if you was doing something or it would kinda pause your connection and wait for the wifi to come on. Problem with that I found is that you will see the browser kinda freeze. Now it doesn't do that it will stay on 3G and somtimes even have both on then it drops the 3G when the wifi has a better connection.
5) New Swype
Everyone's doing it but in different styles... swype that is :-). DX came shipped with pre-loaded Swype which was cool but I really didnt like the old keyboard skin.
For this being the next gen of keyboarding the keyboard didn't really feel too next gen or professional. This new one while it has a different skin it does seem to work better and is more responsive.
The buttons are spaced pretty nicely as well too as you can see from the picture. I also notice when typing in landscape I can type faster than the previous version.
While there are many things that were brought to the Droid X this update these are just a few that stood out to me. What did you like about the update?
**Stay tuned for a full video reivew**
Swype yummy goodness for Droid 1 users
Our good friends over @ Droid-Life has given us some nice news for you Droid 1 owners.
Apparently user BloodiedWraith has hooked us up with the newest swype beta which is
I have been getting reports from different Droid 1 owners saying they were having problems getting Swype to work on the Froyo 2.2 Update. Hit us back up if you you have any issues
Hit the link for some swype yummy goodness for Droid 1 User.
Source: droid-life
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Develop or not develop? That is the question
Have you ever though to yourself "I could have made a better app than this"? Well introducing Project Ares 1.0 . Basically it's the first mobile development hosted entirely in a browser. This lowers the barriers for web developers to jump into mobile development. Here are a list of the many features with Ares 1.0
Features include
- Complete integrated development environment
- Drag-and-drop interface builder
- Code editor
- Visual debugger
- Log viewer
- Source control integration
- Fingertip access to the full library of Mojo UI widgets
- Push-button project & scene creation
- Drag-and-drop calls to phone services and sensors
- Drag-and-drop file upload instant project upload & download for seamless desktop/cloud workflow
- Preview apps in the browser run apps directly on the webOS emulator or device (requires SDK installation)
- Use Ares in Safari, Chrome or Firefox
This is a screen shot of the program:
Photo from :
This program is for the new Web OS and to get started on creating your new app design all you need is a Palm developer account. So Don't think about making a new app, go do it. And have fun along the way.
Friday, September 24, 2010
New Rumor Info on CDMA Iphone 4 for Verizon

So many rumors, so little time. As you may know, there have been numerous rumors circulating about the Iphone jumping ship and going to Verizon, but now it seems to be gaining momentum as the year begins to come to a close.
CnetNews reports that Apple has ordered millions of CDMA chips from Qualcomm for a possible start of production sometime in December, and if this is true, it would coincide with the possibility of a January release that was mentioned earlier this year. CnetNews went on to report that there might even be a possibility that the Iphone might even be placed under the LTE 4g network that Verizon is suppose to be releasing by the end of the year. So thats an CDMA Iphone 4 with possible 3g/4g capabilities, and on the Verizon network! Sounds good?Let me know what u think....
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.0
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Iphone on Verizon: Good Idea or Bad Idea?

There was a lot of craziness earlier this year about whether the Iphone was going end up on the Verizon network. There was both anticipation and hatred about this kind of move that was suppose to bring one of the most popular phones on the AT&T network and bring it to the Big Red Machine that is Verizon and their powerful network. But with the crippling effects the Iphone has on the AT&T network, will it be a good move for Verizon to gain the Iphone?
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