So Verizon and Motorola has finally dropped Froyo on us Droid X Users.
I've been playing with it on my Droid X since release and wanted to share a couple things
I notice were great additions with the update.
1) Camera
I love to take pictures of anything with a whomping 8mp camera and 720p recording why not? Well one thing I hated was my fingers not pressing the button all the way down for the camera button.
Froyo 2.2 Update has made me happier with a on screen button as you see above. So now I can press shoot anything anywhere!
2) Gallery
With all the photos I take I was happy to see the Gallery was updated as well. The old Gallery looked a bit Dry. And at first I gave the gallery 2 thumbs down for not being the 3D gallery we see on most Android phones but this new updated one makes up for it. Way to go Moto!
3) Battery Manager
Newest version of the battery manager, as you can see has a big battery lol Thats one change but the thing that stood out the most to me was the profiles. you have 4 Different Modes 3 pre defined and a "custom". I personally use the Nighttime Saver which says "Normal Operation during the day. Battery Saving at night". I have been using that profile as of late and it works great.
4) Wireless Easy Switching
In the release notes it said it improved over the wifi switching to 3G and vice versa. Well at home I usually use my wifi (because I have Verizon FiOS) and I did notice the difference with the update. When Switching from 3G to Wifi it would either not connect if you was doing something or it would kinda pause your connection and wait for the wifi to come on. Problem with that I found is that you will see the browser kinda freeze. Now it doesn't do that it will stay on 3G and somtimes even have both on then it drops the 3G when the wifi has a better connection.
5) New Swype
Everyone's doing it but in different styles... swype that is :-). DX came shipped with pre-loaded Swype which was cool but I really didnt like the old keyboard skin.
For this being the next gen of keyboarding the keyboard didn't really feel too next gen or professional. This new one while it has a different skin it does seem to work better and is more responsive.
The buttons are spaced pretty nicely as well too as you can see from the picture. I also notice when typing in landscape I can type faster than the previous version.
While there are many things that were brought to the Droid X this update these are just a few that stood out to me. What did you like about the update?
**Stay tuned for a full video reivew**
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