I had recently got a chance to root my phone, and after surfing and flashing a whole bunch of cool ROMs like Sapphire, Cyanogen, and Bugless Beast, I finally found a ROM that I don’t think I’ll be removing for quite some time. The ROM is called MIUI. The guys from Droid-life.com had released pictures and video of this ROM a few weeks ago and then finally got a chance to play with a stable version, and I have to say…they are the luckiest people on the internet to get there hands on this stuff first.
The MIUI ROM allows you to do a lot of things that some ROM’s may catch up on in the near future. The ROM itself gives you a kind of iPhone look. MIUI itself was released for the OG Droid 1 and after flashing this ROM; it is both smooth and fast. I haven’t had any issues with it like lag or the like and the features are in abundance.
Some of the features include an increase in home screens. Right now I have about 7 home screens but after playing with it, I could add nearly 12 screens to my phone! I have to say that’s impressive. You also retain the ability to add widgets to your home screen, something that the iPhone itself cant do. The ROM also changes the UI of some the important features of the normal processes of the phone like the Phone Dial, Lock Screen, and even the dock bar gets an upgrade allowing you to load up 6 apps in to the dock bar.
This in my opinion, is a very impressive rom. But if you haven’t seen this ROM for you device yet, be on the lookout, Droid-life mentioned that the ROM would be coming to a device near you soon under Android. One thing I can say about these ROMs and the developers that make them is that each ROM is like getting a different gift each time you flash one to your phone. And a special thanks to Droid-life for releasing this ROM on their site. If you’re a OG Droid user and your rooted, definitely give this a chance. And check out some of my pictures of the MIUI ROM below.
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