Friday, October 29, 2010
The PlayStation Phone?
Friday, October 22, 2010
Sprint Launches Certified Pre-Owned Device Program
Three certified pre-owned devices are now available at รข€“ BlackBerry Tour, Samsung Reclaim in green, and Sanyo 2700 in pink and blue. Existing customers can purchase one of these pre-owned devices at regular price without a contract extension and without affecting their current upgrade eligibility status.
Existing pricing for the devices are as follows:
BlackBerry Tour at $79.99, and
Samsung Reclaim in green and Sanyo 2700 in pink and blue are each available for $49.99.
Customers with a new two year contract can get the Hero & Tour at $29.99 and the green Reclaim or pink & blue 2700 for FREE.
All Sprint certified pre-owned devices are thoroughly inspected, tested and, if necessary, remanufactured according to original equipment manufacturer (OEM) new unit specifications, and come with the 30-day return policy. Visit for more details.
This sounds like a good idea. I wonder when 4g phones will make the list. I also wonder if it will help your credit? It's nice also thY they give u a 30 day return option.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
WHAT THE Verizon

4 Upcoming Verizon 4G Phones
Android Central blog has “obtained” information on four new Verizon 4G phones – two from Motorola and one from LG and HTC, maker of the wildly popular Samsung Epic 4G and EVO 4G. It looks like they are trying to lock all major phones down. This will make a lot of people happy.
Extend Your Evo 4G's Battery Life With These Tweaks

When you think of HTC’s EVO 4G phone, two things immediately pop-up in your mind: 1) wow this thing is amazing, and 2) wow this battery life is absolutely terrible. But there is some good news: The phone is still amazing, and now there are some ways that can help combat the battery issue.
Okay, I know what you’re thinking: “Well, that was dumb. I already know that.” But here’s the fun part! Visit the XDA Developers community find out how to calibrate the battery, clear the battery stats, experiment with Kernels, and use the Collin_ph Battery Tweak
I have done a few things to save my batt life. If u have any ideas let me know.
First things first; let’s get the easy tweaks (that you probably already know) out of the way:
Turn off 3G/4G when you’re not using either of them;
Turn off the GPS if you’re not using it;
Lower the brightness to something reasonably bearable/useable to you;
If you are using wallpapers/backgrounds, use black-colored ones (blackle, anyone?);
You tube app in the android market.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
HTC Surround with Windows Phone 7
Past the Dolby Mobile/SRS speakers this was a pretty standard Windows Phone 7 device, complete with the 1GHz Snapdragon processor, 3.8-inch 800×480 display, and a 5MP camera with LED flash. The display isn’t nearly as larger or as impressive as that of the HD7, but the sound is enhanced, making this a good phone for listening to music (which is what HTC was going for). It has 16GB of on-board storage.
Extra features include the HTC Hub for use of HTC’s apps (like sound enhancer and photo enhancer) and AT&T’s U-verse Mobile.
I personally think that this might be a great phone. It looks very impressive. This phone will make a lot of windows fans happy. I hope that the price is reasonable(normally around the 199 range). But for now good job HTC. Here is a quick look at the phone.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Update: Angry Birds For Android
Download link
That Android And His Angry Birds
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Google Walking Navigation
IPad Heading To Verizon!

Holy whack At&t network Batman! The iPad is going to Verizon! Or at least that was announced today by Verizon and Apple. They mentioned that the iPad will be available October 28th, which is only a few weeks away. This is great news for those that like the iPad but hate the At&t network that its on right now.
Verizon also stated that they will have three bundle packages starting at $629.99. What do you get you may ask? Well within the three bundles you get the iPad and a Verizon Mifi 2200 IMH Device (Intelligent Mobile Hotspot). Each bundle varies in GBs. $629.99 gets you 16gbs, $729.99 gets you 32gbs, and $829.99 gets you 64gbs. The IMH device is small enough to fit in your pocket and allows up to five wifi enabled devices to sync with it as well. Looks like its gonna be a wonderful Christmas for Verizon this year. I wonder what Steve Jobs has to say about all of this?
Source: Businesswire
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
WindowsPhone 7 Phones!... Everywhere!!

Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 OS will burst onto the scene, starting this month with nine (count’em, nine!!) handsets debuting in Europe and Asia to be swiftly followed by the US in early November. The handsets will reach over 60 service providers in 30 countries this year. Dell, HTC, LG and Samsung are providing the starting lineup of hardware powered by Snapdragon processors for the new mobile platform. And they are:
The HTC “HD7 Schubert” featuring a 4.3 inch screen, initially premiering on T-Mobile
The HTC “7 Surround.” 3.8 inch screen with a stand and slide-out speaker for easy listening. Essentially, the prime “media” offering for Windows Phone. On AT&T and TELUS.
The HTC “7 Trophy.” 3.8 inch screen. Lightwight handset for international carriers.
The HTC “7 Mozart.” 3.7 inch, Trophy equivalent.
The Dell “Venue Pro” portrait QWERTY slider with a 4.1 inch screen, for T-Mobile.
The Samsung “Focus” for AT&T, with a 4 inch Super AMOLED screen.
The Samsung “Omnia 7” Focus equivalent for European markets.
The LG “Quantum” landscape slider for AT&T, with a 3.5 inch screen.
The LG “Optimus 7/7Q” 3.8 inch slider for global markets.
The HTC “7 Pro” should be seen early in 2011 for Sprint.
Microsoft seems to have found their niche in a now crowded market, by promoting glancible information as it’s primary feature. The Metro UI of Windows Phone 7 will feature tiles that display info on the homescreen like widgets. The new OS will also feature Xbox live intergration and a number of graphically-oriented games like “Need for Speed Undercover” from EA Games, as well as Microsoft Office Mobile and Bing search and maps; all part of the Microsoft Mobile ecosystem.
Take a good look at the video below, and feel free to comment. Are these phones offering enough to draw you away from whatever you’re already using (Android, iOS, Palm, Nokia) or is it too little, too late?
Apple releases iOS 4.2 beta 3

Yesterday, the third beta for iOS 4.2 landed on the Apple developer site. The official 4.2 software update is scheduled to be released sometime in early November. iOS 4.2 will bring Multitasking, AirPrint and possibly Tethering to the iPad as well as AirPlay and a number of improvements to the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. 4.2 will also be the first time all iOS devices are running the same version of Apple’s mobile software. Will there be bug fixes. Yes. Widgets. Better notification system. Probably not. But we can all keep our fingers crossed…
Source Article: Engadget
RiM announces specs for the BlackBerry PlayBook, for release early next year

Blackberry’s entry into the Tablet contest is here! Or, at least on it’s way. Research In Motion announced the “BlackBerry Playbook” at the 2010 DevCon, to be released in “early 2011”. The tablet measures 5.1 by 7.6 by 0.4 inches and will weigh less than a pound. It has a 7inch touch screen interface and sports a 1ghz dual-core processor (dual-core!!), 1gb of ram. Two high-definition cameras on the front (3 megapixels) and rear (5 megapixels). The Playbook will also support 1080p recording, mini USB and mini HDMI ports, 802.11 a/b/g/n wi-fi and Bluetooth 2.1. 3g and 4g models may be announced later. Although details were not mentioned as regards to storage, 16gb and 32gb models are speculated to be available on release, whenever that will be.
Instead of using BBOS6, RiM has decided to build new software optimized specifically for tablets. The new Blackberry Tablet OS looks like the love child of PalmOS and iOS on the iPad. This new software will support html5, Flash 10.1 and multitasking.
With specs this nice, it seems that RiM is really stepping into the modern generation of high powered mobile devices. Only problem is, the PlayBook won’t find it’s way to shelves until next year. In fact, with all the talk of tablets running mobile OS’es lately, the only one to have hit the market is the iPad. And many expect an upgrade to that product to be announced in January. So what do you think? Is the super-capable hardware enough to make you fork over the cash for a PlayBook? How about the Samsung Tab, or the iPad? Do you think the Playbook’s specs will be as impressive when it sees daylight, 4 to 7 months from now? And, as a side point, anyone wondering where all of this 1ghz greatness was when RiM released the Torch? Check out the video below.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Samsung vibrant update part 1

Samsung has announced that it's begun rolling out the JI6 over-the-air update to fix the annoying GPS problem. The update has many enhancements which includes access to media hub and, as with all OTA updates, there's also no guarantee as to exactly when you'll get it. Samsung is only saying that it will be distributed randomly over the next "several weeks." I haven't received mines yet, but ill be doing a review on the new firmware so stay tuned.
Friday, October 8, 2010
App Review: Qik for Android

Qik brings powerful video capabilities to your phone so you can capture & share life moments as they happen.

- Two-way live Video Chat with your phone contacts
- Send Video Mail to friends & family
- Record & instantly share videos to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
- Upload/save videos
My Take on the Qik software is that compared to skype or fring and even the face time it works. It works no matter where you are. Your coverage doesn't change the way the app works. You can use it on 3g network wifi or now with sprint the 4g network. The Evo 4g is the best phone out right now. I hope that the rest of the companies will catch up… but that's my personal views
Update: Looks like the iPhone is coming to Verizon After All
The Wall Street Journal stated that even though the iPhone is on pace to sell 40 million phones in the US, Apple and the iPhone are still facing pressure to keep in the smartphone race with Google and Android. Its been a close race with Android taking a flying leap in August, having added 10.9 million subscribers to Android from a mere 866,000 a year ago. Iphone has made advances too but with 13.5 million subscribers, 7.8 million a year ago, its looking like iPhone will be overtaken before the years end with Android constantly putting out new and powerful smartphones.
Some analysts worry that Verizon may not be able to handle the masses when the data hungry iPhone comes to Verizon but Verizon has been testing their network strength to avoid the poor network issues that continue to plague AT&T, and for the moment Verizon is still offering unlimited data plans, while AT&T still allows users to surf the net and make phone calls at the same time.
What might have caught some people off guard is that no one has actually come up and said anything about Verizon getting the iPhone. Executives and Presidents from both sides have not uttered a word about the iPhone or Verizon in the same sentence. The manufactoring companys Qualcomm and Pegatron have remain tight-lipped as well. In my opinion, seeing is believing. I would hope that even if this move does happen, that Verizon doesnt forget about Android and continues to make that its flagship smartphone. What do you think about all of this as a consumer?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
My Next Phone

If your kind of a phone techie like me, when it comes time to get another device, you want to make the best decision you can to get your money's worth. Sometimes with the variety of choices that we have at our disposal, it can make those choices really tough. One thing I like to do match up features. Thats always helped me seal the deal on my next phone.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Skype vs. Fring: Let the Battle Begin

Keyboard-less 'Mansion' from palm? With a 800x480 screen? Say What!!
This one is still very much a rumor, but PreCentral is reporting that it's heard from a "very reliable tipster" who says that Palm is prepping a new phone codenamed "Mansion," which may or may not be the same device that recently turned up in a certification database under the name P102. The real kicker, however, is that the phone is supposedly a touchscreen-only device, and that the screen is said to boast a fairly high 800 x 480 resolution -- no word on screen size, unfortunately. Not much more than that to go on at the moment, but the "Mansion" codename itself does at least make a bit of sense -- as a PreCentral commenter has noted, the Pre was originally codenamed "Castle."
My personal take on this matter is that this will put palm back in the Race of smartphones. The Web OS is beautiful. If they were able to add the OS with the Android market and put it on the evo 4g they would have a gold mine in their " palm".
For this phone to take off they will need to drop the commercial add of the pale lady that looks like she is going to die at any moment. Research In Motion also need to show the power that the phone has. I also believe that the battery life needs to be a main focus. I say this because if you have a smartphone where all of the features can be used without having to cut everything off, that would make alot of people take interest in that phone.
Source: Pre Central
Skype Finally available in the Android Market

For those who have been looking for a good calling alternative, Skype is now available in the Android Market. You do, however, have to be running 2.1 and up in order to see it and download it from the Android Market. Skype allows free Skype to Skype calls, instant messaging, and allows you to make phone calls over Wifi.
Another plus is that it is unrestricted in the U.S., but if your calling from outside the U.S., you can still make phone calls over 3G. Another thing the company has mentioned is that its still not available in China or Japan. So go ahead and download it and enjoy all that Skype goodness.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Blindtype aquired by Google, Typing community rejoices
With an acquistion like that, this could make the stock Android keyboard a whole lot more interesting. So congratulations to the Blindtype team for making a quality product, and hopefully, we smart phone users will get the chance to get our hands on it in a new smart phone release.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Kombat App Review: Achievement More Pro
5 reasons why I love my Evo 4g.
2. If I was kidnapped and only had my phone. My Evo would use Google map or Sprint navigator and alert my wife where I am and how to get to and make reservation to the nearest hotel until help arrives.
3. If my children have a moment and I want to remember it for ever I can record it in 720p and post it to you tube for the world to see. Or take my phone to my mothers house and connect it to her tv via hdmi mini cable port.
4. Whenever I have to go colthes shopping with my wife, my evo entertains me with games from gameloft or E.A. or playing poker live with people I never will meet.
5. At night when I go to sleep my Evo tucks me in and wishes sweet dreams.
........ okay I made the last one up but if my wife is at work I can blow her a kiss in real time and she can do the same with the front facing camera.
These are my 5 reasons I love my Evo 4g. Why do you love your phone
Friday, October 1, 2010
App Reviews Later Today
Later on today I'm going to do The Achievements More Pro app and the Lithium Music Player app.......SO STAY TUNED FOLKS! Hopefully you guys will like it and give them some download love after the review.