
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Verizon iPhone Unleashed...and No One Showed Up To Get One?

Verizon finally got what they had been striving for, jumping through hoops and over hurdles with the giants at Apple to gain the fantastic device known as the iPhone...and no one came out to get one. A lot of reports have been circulating that the retail stores that have the iPhone device in stock, didn't have the swarm of crazed iPhone fans and AT&T jumpers that they thought they were going to have. If you think about it though, there are some really good reasons that people would not rush out of their houses to gang up on stores to get the device.

First off, there have been reports bought up about the Verizon iPhone still suffering from the "Death Grip". iLounge brought this to everyone's attention. Still, this may not be a main cause for concern. Why you might ask? Well, everyone that had the original iPhone 4 on AT&T knew there could be a possibility that Verizon's version might have some hangups too. There's also the fact that iPhone's duking it out when it all boils down to the fact that, despite some slight differences, they are still the same phone. Verizon's offer mobile hotspot that can link up with 5 devices, while AT&T's allows talk over data (like we haven't been beat in the head with the adds all over the place about it.)

Another reason is that early termination fees are a killer with AT&T. With the payment of $325, you can get out of your contract and run over to Verizon to get the same phone you had at AT&T already. But even when you get to Verizon, you have the option to pay $199.99 for the 16GB phone and $299.99 for the 32GB phone. Plus AT&T is rumored to offering people that are planning to jump ship unlimited data plans and they also released a new mobile to mobile plan for their iPhone. Then there's the Android device. With devices like the Droid X still racking in numbers and the rise of a new wave of 4G devices, Android is still going strong. With a lot of features that the iPhone doesn't have and then the 4G speeds creeping in, this could make a lot of people not even bother with the iPhone all together. Maybe they'll start gaining momentum by the time the iPhone 5 comes out.

Source: PCWorld


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